2023 Cindy Edelman Excellence in Education Fellows announced

Three individual teachers and a team of teachers set to embark on transformative projects


杰克逊维尔-杜瓦尔县的几名公立学校教师被选为2023年Cindy Edelman卓越教育奖学金的获得者,他们将开始旅行和开展旨在将课程与学生联系起来,改善学生和社区成果的项目.

Jacksonville Heights Elementary School teacher Mariah Perryman 计划参加海地浸入式课程,学习海地社区的语言和文化,以便更好地为海地学生及其家庭服务. In her application, Perryman noted, “Immigrants from Haiti are the 5th largest source of immigrants coming to Jacksonville, FL. At my school, 我们的许多ESOL学生说西班牙语,一些说海地克里奥尔语. 我们只有一位能说流利西班牙语的老师,没有一位能说海地克里奥尔语与学生和家人交流的老师.”

“这个项目将帮助我满足不断增长的学生群体,达到他们的学术水平和英语水平,因为不这样做不仅是 hurts the students but also impacts the morale of school professionals,” she added.

River City Science Academy Innovation teacher Logan Davis 计划加入国际生态项目(EPI)在加拉帕戈斯群岛的专门“生活实验室”,创建一个鼓励学生参与的深入科学课程, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate.

In her application, Davis noted, “这个项目的一部分还要求我研究和接触当地/社区的保护项目. 我打算继续追求这个目标,并在这些项目和我的学校之间建立关系. 我设想我们的学生可以见到并采访这些科学家和首席执行官,甚至可能参加实地考察,这样我们的学生就可以接触到生态和保护方面的真正职业.”

Arlene Cameron-Lloyd, a K-5 teacher at R.L. Brown Gifted and Talented Academy, 通过发展当地城市农业项目,增加学生和社区获得新鲜农产品的机会,改善学校和社区营养状况的计划. 卡梅伦-劳埃德将前往托尔托拉,探索绿色六世在农业科学方面的研究和工作如何促进更健康的社区. 她打算用她所学到的知识来帮助她的学生和学校通过学校花园增加新鲜水果和蔬菜的供应. In addition, 她设想在河滨艺术市场出售他们的产品,让社区享受. 

“I will learn how four school gardens are successfully implemented, explore an eco-park garden, 并在好月亮有机农场获得第一手知识,在那里,托尔托拉的小农场和个人保留了民族植物学实践,” Cameron-Lloyd said in her application. “这个项目的活动将提高我的农业科学知识,为我自己和我所服务的人提供持续的机会.”

A reading coach and four teachers from Pinedale Elementary School 是否会利用奖学金的机会成为阅读专家,并支持幼儿园和一年级的语音意识和自然拼读教学, vocabulary, and comprehension in second grade. The team, led by reading coach Clarisa Gonzalez, 将参加俄亥俄大学克兰中心的专业发展,研究教孩子阅读的行之有效的方法.

In the application, Ms. Gonzalez said, “在学校表现不佳的学生通常不喜欢学校,因为它会带来挫折, anxiety and even shame. I want all students to be successful in school and outside of school. Improving reading scores will allow our students to work in groups, lead groups, 并与课堂上的学生以及课堂外的其他人分享他们的学习.” 

These learning experiences are made possible by philanthropists Cindy and Dan Edelman, 谁在佛罗里达东北部社区基金会设立了一个永久基金,为杜瓦尔县公立和特许学校的K-12教师提供专业发展机会. Dan Edelman initiated this fellowship, which will exist in perpetuity, to honor his wife Cindy, an impassioned public education champion. Cindy Edelman卓越教学奖学金旨在识别和奖励卓越的教学,并支持专业发展或研究项目, providing up to $6,500 per teacher or $10,000 per teacher team. bwin时时彩平台(JPEF)与佛罗里达州东北部社区基金会合作管理该奖学金.

Cindy Edelman, 他曾是美术史教育工作者,与JPEF有着密切的联系,并于2012年和2013年担任董事会主席, personally visited the winners in their schools to make the announcement.

“When I was teaching AP Art History, my husband Dan saw how important professional development was to my growth as a teacher. As a result, several years later, he surprised me by creating this fellowship, 认识到杜瓦尔县的公立学校教师需要有专业发展的机会,” she said. “东北佛罗里达社区基金会和bwin时时彩平台作为合作伙伴也增加了高质量的体验.”

A selection committee comprised of the Edelman family, former teachers and community leaders select the Fellows each year. A key component of the Fellowship is the impact the experience will have on students, schools, and the wider community.

“As a committee, 我们正在寻找能够培养教师对学科领域理解的项目, and also deepen student engagement and understanding,” said Mrs. Edelman. “专业发展应该对教师、学生和更广泛的社区具有变革性.”


“JPEF很荣幸能够参与这个难得的机会,让杜瓦尔县的公立学校教师将他们的领导力提升到一个新的水平,” said JPEF President Rachael Tutwiler Fortune. “When we invest in teachers, we invest in children and a brighter future for Jacksonville.”

About the Jacksonville Public Education Fund

bwin时时彩平台是一个独立的501(c)(3)组织,致力于缩小杜瓦尔县低收入学生和有色人种学生的机会差距. 我们相信杜瓦尔县的公立学校在过去十年里取得了巨大的进步, but we cannot stop working until every student is prepared for success in college, career, and life. Because great people make great schools, we invest in developing and equipping school leaders, teacher leaders and parent leaders with best practices in school quality. For more information: u15z.chriswaldegar.com.

About The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida 

The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, Florida’s oldest and largest community foundation, works to stimulate philanthropy to build a better community. The Foundation helps donors invest their philanthropic gifts wisely, helps nonprofits serve the region effectively, and helps people come together to make the community a better place. Created in 1964, the Foundation has made more than $695 million in grants since its inception, and manages assets of more than $630 million at their peak in 2021. Learn more at jaxcf.org.




of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.