Schools nominate teachers for 2023 VyStar Duval County Teacher of the Year


The hunt is on for the 2023 VyStar Teacher of the Year for Duval County! 今年, 168 Duval County schools nominated a teacher to represent them in the Teacher of the Year contest for Duval County. The 2023 VyStar Teacher of the Year will be announced at the EDDY Awards, presented by the bwin时时彩平台 (JPEF) in partnership with VyStar Credit Union, 2月. 10, 2023.

The Teacher of the Year program seeks to recognize, elevate and empower Duval County's best public school teachers by offering unique programming to elevate the teaching profession throughout the year. Teachers selected by their schools as Teacher of the Year are given the opportunity to participate in the teacher leadership initiative offered by JPEF. 

After schools submit their nominees for Teacher of the Year, a selection committee organized by JPEF narrows the field down to 15 semifinalists. The semifinalists are further narrowed down to five finalists through a selection process that includes observing the teachers in the classroom. The final Teacher of the Year will be announced at the EDDY Awards Gala on 2月. 在凯悦酒店. The winner will go on to compete for the Florida Teacher of the Year award.

"We are delighted to celebrate and elevate these amazing teachers,JPEF总裁雷切尔·图特维勒·福琼说. “We know how important teachers are to student success so not only do we want to recognize these outstanding teachers, JPEF also provides the opportunity for them to deepen their knowledge, network with their peers and expand their leadership roles within their school community.”

VyStar believes in doing good and leading by example, especially when it comes to supporting local education foundations and their efforts to celebrate and elevate teachers in their communities. 维星是艾迪奖的冠名赞助商.

“在维星信用合作社, we are proud to work alongside teachers across many Florida communities through our High School Branch Program, and we are deeply appreciative of all their hard work in support of their students,帕特里夏·麦克尔罗伊说, Senior Vice President and Foundation President at VyStar Credit Union. “Today’s students will go on to become tomorrow’s leaders — and that’s because they have teachers who are dedicated to helping them reach their full potential. 通过支持这场精彩的庆典, VyStar recognizes and lifts up educators and thanks them for guiding their students every day.” 


  • 安东尼·艾比,恩格尔伍德小学
  • Mfon Akpaete, Northwestern Legends Elementary School
  • 米莎·艾伦,韦曼学院中学
  • Jennifer Allen-Tickle, Twin Lakes Academy Middle School
  • Cadijay Anderson-Robinson, James Weldon Johnson College Prep
  • Erica Apello, R. V. Daniels Gifted and Academically Talented Elementary School
  • 奥斯丁·乔治,苏茜·E. 特尔伯特
  • 橡树山学院的Andrew Barth
  • 米歇尔·贝尔,安德鲁·罗宾逊小学
  • 杰奎琳·贝利多,南区中学的
  • 莱兹利·伯诺尔,主播学院
  • 克里斯特·贝内特,拉维拉艺术学院
  • 我是花园城小学的Katrina Bias
  • 奥利维亚·布兰科,KIPP贝西·科尔曼学院
  • Katie Blaquiere, Kernan Trail小学
  • Rosalyn Bloxom-Johnson,河滨高中
  • Leslie Bolante, Southside Estates Elementary School
  • 诺玛·博克,雷诺兹莱恩小学
  • 惠·布吉斯,威廉·玛丽安·雷恩斯高中
  • Erin Bradica, River City Science Academy at Mandarin
  • 莉迪亚·布瑞斯韦特,隐橡树小学
  • Dennis Breden, Mamie Agnes Jones Elementary School
  • 玛丽莲·布里塞特,赛迪·T. 蒂利斯小学
  • 凯文·布朗,三岁,水叶小学
  • 米兰达·伯顿,海德格罗夫小学
  • Arlene Cameron-Lloyd, R.L. 布朗学院
  • 考特尼·卡多萨,战马学院的
  • Ines Carrion Lebron, West Riverside Elementary School
  • Ho Yi Phoebe Chan, Biltmore小学
  • 金伯利·钱德勒,派恩代尔小学
  • 扎卡里·克拉克,海德格罗夫
  • 伊夫林·库利,让·里博中学
  • 桑德拉·克鲁兹·纳瓦罗,圣何塞小学
  • Logan Davis, River City Science Academy Innovation
  • Adrianna Davis, Darnell Cookman School of the Medical Arts
  • Ashling Dawkins, Bridge to Success Academy Middle School
  • Emerlito DeGuzman, Palm Avenue Exceptional Student Center
  • Denitra Deas-Jay, Englewood高中
  • Lisa DeRubeis, Hendricks Avenue Elementary School
  • Darby DeVane, GRASP学院K-8
  • 西尔维诺·迪贝尔纳多,大西洋海岸高中
  • 詹妮弗·迪安杰洛,孤星小学
  • Tatiana Dortch, Bartram Springs Elementary School
  • 秋魔,阿尔弗雷德一世. 杜邦中学
  • 艾玛·杜比斯基,曼达林橡树小学
  • 彼得里斯·邓巴,西景PK-8
  • 莫莉·邓肯,马丁·路德·金.小学
  • 凯利·范宁,杜瓦尔教育学院
  • 埃里克·菲尔兹,文华高中
  • 金伯利·菲尔德,茱莉亚·兰登大学预科
  • 莱克莎·弗罗斯特,KIPP博尔德市高中
  • 克丽斯塔·弗莱,托马斯·杰斐逊小学
  • 克里斯蒂娜·格申,梅里尔路小学
  • Holly Goleski,海神海滩小学
  • 托德·古德曼,卡洛琳堡小学
  • 辛迪·格雷,老虎学院
  • 我是水晶泉小学的莎拉·格林
  • Lyvonia Green, Duval MYcroSchool
  • 迪安德里亚·格雷戈里,KIPP影响学院
  • Cedric Hall, The Bridge to Success Academy High School
  • 我是切茨溪小学的黛博拉·哈伯
  • 埃琳·哈里斯,朗布兰奇小学
  • Brett Hartley, Crown Point小学
  • 拉托利亚·霍金斯,地标中学
  • 玛丽莎·海耶斯,林地亩小学
  • Donshay Herbert, Oceanway中学
  • 罗杰·赫林,松树庄园小学
  • 丽塔·希尔,丁斯莫尔小学
  • 安格尔·希波尔,西区高中
  • Tomia Hodge, Jacksonville Heights Elementary School
  • 杰瑞尔·休斯顿,让·里博高中
  • Summer Howard, Mayport Coastal Sciences Middle School
  • 安吉丽塔·休伯,邓肯大学. 弗莱彻中学
  • 大卫·约翰斯,洛雷塔小学
  • 尼娅·约翰逊,格雷戈里路小学
  • Ciera Johnson, Joseph Stilwell Military Academy of Leadership
  • 伊兰德拉·琼斯,皮克特小学
  • 香黛尔·琼斯,阿灵顿小学
  • 茱莉亚·肯德尔,阿贝斯公园小学
  • 利·柯比,爱德华·H. 怀特高中
  • 亚历克西斯·柯克,格陵兰松小学
  • 希瑟·兰姆,假日山小学
  • Rita Larson, River City Science Academy Elementary School
  • Antwan Lewey,春田中学
  • Andrew Lodge, San Mateo Accelerated Learning Academy
  • Kelly Lomblo, Jacksonville Beach Elementary School
  • 德文·洛特,风山小学
  • 阿维亚·卢卡斯,Fishweir小学
  • 杰辛丝·莱尔,盖特威社区服务
  • 杰梅塔·林奇,怀特豪斯小学
  • Amanda Mahoney, Twin Lakes Academy Elementary School
  • Shannon Maxey, Sabal Palm小学
  • 茱莉亚·梅希巴,安德鲁·杰克逊
  • 塔梅卡·梅斯,唐·布鲁尔小学
  • Adina McCall, Frank H. 彼得森
  • 玛丽·麦肯齐,提木坎小学
  • 梅丽莎·麦金尼,大洋中学
  • Felicia McLaughlin, Rutledge Pearson Elementary School
  • Tiffany Melanson, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts
  • 查西·米勒,梅波特小学
  • 莎拉·米勒,格林菲尔德小学
  • Sharon Mitchell, Louis Sheffield Elementary School
  • 安德莉亚·米切尔,西区中学
  • 林赛·摩尔,Alimacani小学
  • 莫里斯·摩尔,大公园教育中心14号
  • 泰勒·莫里斯,大西洋海滩小学
  • 安吉拉·莫顿,玛蒂五世. 卢瑟福替代中学
  • 温蒂·米勒,露丝·N. 欧普森小学
  • 卡兰·马林斯,海风小学
  • 逊尼·迈尔斯,圣巴勃罗小学
  • 本杰明·纽森,拉蒙达大道小学
  • 詹妮弗·诺顿,约翰·斯托克顿小学
  • Dana Oliva, George Washington Carver Elementary School
  • 凯特琳·奥利弗,大洋小学
  • Terrell Osakue,春园小学
  • Latoyia Palmer, Parkwood Heights Elementary #208
  • Earnestine Parks, Fishweir Elementary School of the Arts
  • 杰西卡·皮尔斯,露西纳湖小学
  • Rachel 彼得森, River City Science Academy Intracoastal
  • 蒂拉·普尔,安妮·R. 摩根小学
  • 基思·普尔,特里·帕克高中
  • 阿曼达·波特,海德公园小学
  • Sarah Prichard, Normandy Village Elementary School
  • Kristin Radzelovage,企业学习学院
  • 金特·拉莫斯,赫尔曼山小学
  • 安娜·雷丁·谢泼德,弗莱彻高中
  • 阿拉娜·里德,中央河滨小学
  • Rashad Reed, Biscayne Elementary Leadership Academy
  • 格蕾丝·雷斯蒂沃,国王小径小学
  • 恩津加·理查兹,鲁弗斯·E. 佩恩小学
  • Yamilette Riedel, Arlington Heights Elementary School
  • 切尔西·里维拉,北岸小学
  • Nalda Roberts, Smart Pope Livingston Elementary School – Accelerated Primary Learning Center
  • 安德里亚·罗伯茨,松树林艺术学院
  • Heather Rozelle, Paxon School for Advanced Studies
  • 安吉丽塔·萨普尔顿,湾景小学
  • Carlyn Schaefer,阿灵顿中学
  • 费伊·夏普,烟囱湖
  • Tamla Simmons, Stanton College Preparatory School
  • 凯伦·西蒙,查菲小径小学
  • 安布拉·史密斯,河城科学院
  • 劳伦·史密斯,鲍德温中学高中
  • 肯尼斯·所罗门,第一海岸高中
  • 勃艮第·苏特,A. 菲利普·伦道夫
  • 卡洛琳·索厄尔,檀香高中
  • 塔巴约达国王,普通话中学
  • 艾米·塔克,奥登路杰出学生中心
  • 佩顿·塔利,布鲁克维尤小学
  • 胡安·塔普林,新柏林小学
  • 格洛丽亚-格蕾丝·泰勒,波克勒克小学
  • 卡特里斯·托马斯,领导学院
  • 劳拉·托雷斯,雪松山小学
  • 拉奎尔·特瑞尔,莎莉·B. 马西斯小学
  • 赛迪·特拉维斯,拉夫格罗夫小学
  • 凯里·塔特尔,威尼斯小学
  • 詹姆斯·瓦伦丁,S.A. 赫尔小学
  • Kimberly Waddell-Willis, John Love Early Learning Center
  • 阿比盖尔·沃克,高地中学
  • 阿什利·沃特金斯,J. Allen Axson Montessori学校
  • 亨利·F·图里斯切娃·韦. 风筝小学
  • 娜塔莉·威尔斯,奥特加小学
  • Marilynne Wilcox, Fort Caroline Middle School of the Visual and Performing Arts
  • 米坎德拉·威廉姆斯,高地小学
  • Pamela Williams, Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced Studies
  • 特里·伍拉德,约翰·E. 福特PK-8英语/西班牙蒙台梭利
  • Traci Wurzbach, Hogan-Spring Glen Elementary School
  • Lynette Yalledy, Mathew. 吉尔伯特中学
  • 布莱恩·泽尔斯基,克南中学




of public schools in Duval County earned an "A," "B," or "C" in 2021-2022.

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